Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Is this really our last refuge?

LCFT Use a Women's Refuge for female service user in MH Crisis.

The demand for beds in North Lancashire continues unabated, with female referrals now matching those of men.  With the Trust's inpatient facilities full and a substantial number of private beds being used, getting inpatient treatment is now almost impossible.
Yesterday a female service user from North Lancashire was sent to a women's refuge after being told there were no female beds available anywhere.  Even though she has a chronic mental health condition and was experiencing psychotic symptoms brought on by stress, she was assessed as "too sane" to be admitted to a private bed and since the stress was due to issues within the home, the only place they could send her to was a woman's refuge.

Is this what it's come to?  Really?

Is a refuge really the right place for someone experiencing a mental health crisis?  Would a man be sent to a refuge, or would he be found a bed somewhere?  It's a damned serious question and one that has to be asked.

Women's refuges are such an important resource.  For a Mental Health Trust to use them as a back up to a service creaking under the strain of inadequate provision would seem to be a misuse of that service.

Having spoken to the woman in question, she is concerned about relapsing and knows there is nothing she can do, as there's literally no room at the LCFT Inn.


  1. Can I ask if BITO know what area of the Trust this woman is from?
    I.e. Is this a Lancaster issue that would/could have been alleviated by female bed provision in The Orchard.
    Though even if this isnt a Lancaster issue, women female bed provision in the orchard would mean appropriate clinical mental health provision for women, without the apparent misuse of a women's refuge, and the reduced availability to those women who need this specific specialised 0service.
    Respectfully yours

  2. HM Government, DOH and NHS, at what point are you going to reverse your present tax, in order that correct meaningful therapy can be provided to reduce the actual hidden cost to society, the economy and people's personal lives and well being?!

    Chris Balchin

  3. We do know where she's from but we can't be more specific than "North Lancashire".

    The fact is is that the trust is quite a number of female beds down after all the changes they made to accommodate the men they needed to after closing ward 18',so it's not just N LANCS. Recent actions take the biscuit though, they really do.

  4. HM Government, DOH and NHS, at what point are you going to reverse your present tack, in order that correct meaningful therapy can be provided to reduce the actual hidden cost to society, the economy and people's personal lives and well being?!
